Saturday 22 December 2012

Traveling to Egypt

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullah.

T. Ahmed is traveling over the winter break to Egypt and will be back on January 7.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Homework for Dec13

Today Homework
Dec 13th, 2012

Math: Chapter 10 task due Monday Dec17th, WB pages 110 and 111 due tomorrow

Homework for Dec12

Dec 12th Homework

Arabic "Tr.Hoda": study new vocabs

Arabic "Tr.Amal" :pages 40, 41 excersies 9 & 10

Arabic "Tr.Seher": page 24 quiz 1

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Homework for Dec11

Today Homework
Dec11th, 2012

Language: Prepare draft for tomorrow story

Arabic "Tr.Hoda" : Read page 38

Arabic "Tr.Amal": Tomorrow quiz covers "الاسماء الخمسه"

Science: Lab Report " Calculating Mass-to-Volume Ratio" due Friday Dec 14th.

Monday 10 December 2012

Today Homework
Dec 10th, 2012

- Read page 22 from Student Book and prepare 5 questions
- Oral Presentation is 11th, 12th and 13th of December
- Reading Test is 17th and 18th of December
- Unit Test is 19th and 20th of December

Arabic "Tr.Hoda": Read TB page 38

Arabic "Tr.Amal": WB page 31

Friday 7 December 2012

Today Homework
Dec 7th, 2012


- WB pages 106 and 107 due Monday
- Ch10 Quiz1 is Monday Dec10th, review WB pages 102,103, 104, 106, 107


- TB page 226 questions 4, 6,7,8
-Ch8 Quiz1 is Friday Dec14th, review WB pages 118 to 125 and TB pages 215 and 226.

Quran: Memorize Aya 1 and 2 surat Al-Mojadla due Monday Dec10th.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Today Homework
Dec 6th, 2012

Math: WB page 104 and TB page 351 qustions 6,7,8,9

Arabic "Tr.Hoda" : Test on Friday

Arabic "Tr.Amal":

- TB page 38 and listening test page 39
- sign the test rubric

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Message from Tr.Amal
Arabic Teacher for Arabic Speakers

أولياء الأمور الكرام


الشعر الرمزي أو (الشعر القصصي ) سيشغل حيزا في منهجنا لهذا الفصل الدراسي ، ليكون رديفا للنثر القصصي. نحن الآن ندرس نصا لأمير الشعراء (أحمد شوقي)


بعنوان (النملة والمقطم)  وهو نص قصصي رمزي ، وسوف يقوم التلاميذ بتحويل النص إلى أقصوصة رمزية  يتوافر فيها جميع العناصر الفنية لبناء القصة  ، وتتطرق إلى الأخلاقيات


والمثل العليا بأسلوب شيق وممتع بعيدا عن  أسلوب الأمر والنهي المباشر الجاف،  وتناسب مستوى أحبائنا الصغار ، تحكى لهم قبل النوم  وسوف نطلق عليها (حكايات جدتي).


وسوف يكون موعد التسليم - إن شاء الله- يوم الأربعاء الموافق 19 ديسمبر.


كيف سيتم التقويم؟ 
 1- الغلاف الذي يجلب الانتباه 
 2-  العناصر الفنية للقصة (الزمان - المكان - الشخصيات .........)
  3- سرد الأحداث وتسلسلها تسلسلا منطقيا
 4- الرسومات المناسبة للأحداث
  5-  دقة وسلامة التعبير إملائيا .


مدرسة الفصل أمل الجلاد
Today Homework

Dec 5th, 2012

Math: TB pages 342 and 343 qeustions 4,5,6 ,9,10 due tomorrow

Quran: Memorize Aya 1 and 2 Surat Al-mojadala due Monday Dec 10th

Arabic "Tr.Hoda": Test on Friday all lessons

Arabic "Tr.Amal" :

-Memorize the rest of poem "النملة والمقطم".
-Test on "قواعد" tomorrow.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Today Homework
Dec 4th, 2012

Math: WB page 103 due tomorrow


1) WB page 22 due tomorrow , practise the worksheets handed out today due next Tuesday Dec 11th.
2) French project "presenting my celebrity" due Monday Dec 10th, class presentation.

Language: Mind Maps due tomorrow.

Arabic: "Tr.Hoda" review pages 32, 33 and 35 from "كتاب التلميذ"

Arabic" Tr.Amal": Test on poem "النملة والمقطم" and practise reading, vocabs, comprehension

Arabic "Tr.Seher" : answer part 4 page 11 from "كتاب النشاط"

Science: TB page 226 questions 1,2,3 due Firday

Islamic Studies: TB page B23 Questions 5 and 6 due tomorrow

Quran: Update from Tr. Samia

Alhamdullah We finished memorizing Surat Alhasher  and we had a test on the second half of the surah  . This test was on Tajweed rules, reading rules and memorization of the surah .We will start reciting and memorizing surat Almujadalah (the last surah in Juzu 28) so please practice with your child using this website and go to Sheikh Ibrahim Alakhadar:  

Congratulations to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of November:

1. Adiba

Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation

Monday 3 December 2012

Girls Lock-In

Coming up….

Saturday December 8th, 2012



Pillow Fights



… and much more!
Today Homework
December 3rd, 2012
Math: WB page 102 due tomorrow.
Math project is due tomorrow.
Science: TB page 215 questions 3.5,6 due tomorrow.

French: - conjunction worksheet handed in today is due tomorrow
               - Presentation next Monday

Arabic: "Tr.Hoda" Review TB page 32 and 33 "كتاب التلميذ"

Arabic: "Tr.Amal"  memorize 1 to 5 from "قصيده النمله والمقطم" and and " اختبار املاء"

Islamic Studies: TB page B23 questions 3 and 4 due tomorrow.


Friday 30 November 2012

Today Homework

Nov 30th, 2012

Math: Chapter 11 Task, TB page 398 due Tuesday Dec 4th, the assignment rubric will be sent home today for signature. Please, send it back on Monday Dec 3rd.

Science: Read TB pages 210 to 211 and answer Questions 1, 2 TB page 215

Quran: Memorization test on surat Al-Hashr aya 12 to 24 on Monday Dec 3rd.

Thursday 29 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 29th, 2012
Math: WB pages 119 and 120

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Message from Tr.Amal  "Arabic for Arabic Speakers"
أولياء الأمور الكرام السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


بدأنا الفصل الدراسي الثاني بعون الله وسنبدا بالتقويم المستمر كتابة ومشافهة ففي يوم الخميس الموافق 29 نوفمبر سيكون هناك امتحان قواعد في (الفاعل المفعول به المفعول المطلق المفعول)


لأجله المضاف إليه الجملة الاسمية  وفي يوم الاثنين الموافق 3 ديسمبر اختبار نصوص (الحفظ - الإلقاء المعبر- الفهم والاستيعاب لمعاني النص وأساليبه)


في 5 ديسمبر اختبار قراءة كتابي في درس الزي المدرسي والتلوث نحن نتظر مساعدتكم وتعاونكم معنا



                                                                                                                                            شكرا لكم جهودكم وتشجيعهم
                                                                                                                                                  المدرسة أمل
Today Homework
Nov 28th, 2012
Math: WB page 118 due tomorrow
Quran: review suart al Hasher ayas 12 to 24, test next Monday

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov27th, 2012

French: WB page 20 activity B, due tomorrow

Islamic Studies: Read TB pages B15, B16 and B17. Answer Question 1,2,3 TB page B23.

Science: Fluids Lab report is due tomorrow, if it's not submitted already.

Science Fair Preperation
Coordinator: Tr.Amina
Science Fair partners list is due Friday Nov30th.

Monday 26 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 26th, 2012
Arabic: "Tr.Hoda" memorize hadeeth page 29

Friday 23 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov23rd, 2012

Math: WB page 116.

Math: Ch11 Quiz 1 is Monday Nov 26th, review WB pages 113, 114, 115

Science: Ch 7 Quiz 1 is Monday  Nov 26th

Review WB pages 105 to 109 and 110 to 113.

Review TB pages 196 questions 1 to 4.

Review TB pages 202 questions 1 to 4.

Read Girls: Book report due Monday Nov 26th.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Nov 21st Homework

Math: WB page 115 due Thursday.

French: WB page 19 C & D, answer the questions and write a paragraph

Quran: Memorize Aya 22 to Aya 24 surt Al-Hashr due Monday Nov28th.

Sorry for the late post.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov20th, 2012

Math: WB pages 113 and 114 due tomorrow

French: WB page 18 excersie B

Islamic Studies: Answer Q1 and Q3 TB page B13 due tomorrow

Monday 19 November 2012

Today Homework

Nov19th, 2012

Quran: Memorization test on Wednesday for the students didn't memorize

Islamic studies: 5 to 7 lines paragraph summerizing pages B4 and B5 due Wednesday.

Arabic for arabic speakers: "Tr.Amal" memorize first 5 lines of poem "النمله"

Thursday 15 November 2012

End of the Unit French Project

A-     Requirements:

1-      Choose your partner(s)

2-      Choose your celebrity: must be a Muslim. Must have done great achievements.

3-      Do the research work

4-      Complete BLM 11 and hand it in by Monday, November 19th. 


B-      Communication:

1-      Written:  For the writing composition,  you have the choice to present it as

·         Narrative text

·         Or a dialogue as in an interview

·         Or as a biography

·         Or as a newspaper article.

2-      Oral: For the oral communication, you have the choice to present it as

·         A role play

·         Or an interview

·         Or a poster presentation

·         Or a monologue.


C-      Evaluation:

1-      During research: 

o   Teamwork

o   Research

o   Creativity

2-      Writing communication:

o     Grammar

o     Spelling

o     Sentences (complete, simple, composed)

3-      Oral:

o   Pronunciation

o   Expression

o   Posture

o   Body language


The tentative due date is around last week of November or first week of December

Message from Tr.Amina   Subject: Frecnh

Assalam Alaikum Dear Parents:

In French, we are working on our unit *Expo 1900*. We have learned about some great achievement of Francophone in the 19e century. We are reading also a variety of text as required in the French Ontario Curriculum.

The French periods are usually as follow:

1.       Class discussion on the subject we are learning.

2.       Listening activity: students listen to a dialogue or a skid and answer questions related to the listening activity.

3.       Reading activity: we read the text (biography, Newspaper article, excerpt from an author novel)

4.       Writing activity:  students do activities found in their workbook.

5.       Sometimes extra worksheets are given to students (BLM) and extra practice worksheets.

We have covered also 2 grammar concepts: the demonstrative adjectives and the negative form:  *ne…pas de*.

Students are starting to work on their end of unit project. The outlines of this project are posted in the G8 blog.

All the activities are explained and modeled in class before any homework is assigned. Students are required to complete any unfinished in class work.

Homework, assignments, tests and projects are explained in details in class to the students and written on the board. Students are expected to write them on their agenda.

For any communication, oral or written, students are expected to use complete sentences.

For French tests, students have spelling sentences and grammar questions on concepts that where studied in class.

Students are informed about the test at least one week prior the testing day, to give them enough time to practice.

If you have any question you can contact me by calling the school or by email.

Jazakum Allah Kheiran for your cooperation

Tr. Amina
Today Homework

Nov15th, 2012

Math: WB pages 46 and 47 due Monday Nov 19th, Ch4 Test is Monday Nov19th review WB pages 46 and 47.

Arabic for arabic speakers: "Tr.Amal" memorize first 6 lines of poem "النملة والمقطم" due Monday Nov19th.

Arabic Non-Speakers: "Tr.Hoda" memorize Vocab words for Test on Wednesday.

Arabic for Special Non-Speakers: "Tr.Mohamed" Vocab words test next week.

Quran: Memorize suart al-Hasher Aya 18 to 21 due Monday Nov19th.

Reminder: No School tomorrow Friday Nov16th.

I wish all students and parents Happy New Hijry Year, may allah accept our good deeds.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Today Homework

Nov 14th, 2012

Arabic for Non speakers: "Tr.Hoda" read page 22 3 times

French: WB page 16 B and 17 D

Message from Tr.Amina: " two french tests sent home are due tomorrow for Teacher Check"

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 13th, 2012

Math: TB page 132 Q5, 7, 9 due tomorrow

Math: Ch4 Quiz is Thursday Nov 15th, review WB pages 41 and 43

French: Oral Presentation is due Thursday Nov15th, BLM 11 due Monday Nov 19th.

Arabic Non-Speakers: "Tr.Hoda" Finish copying page 22 and read it.

Monday 12 November 2012

Message from Tr.Kherta Subject: Language

Please, check the following link

Title: The Art of the Metaphor
Messages From Tr. Amal E., Arabic Teacher for Arabic Speakers.

اولياء الامور الكرام

تحية طيبة وبعد

أود أن أحيطكم علما بأن موعد تسليم مشروع اللغة العربية قد اقترب في 15 نوفمبر 2012 - إن شاء الله -  وهو عمل قائمة طعام تحتوي على ثلاث وجبات صحية (فطور - غداء - عشاء )

(تم مناقشة المشروع مع الطلبة) منذ اول نوفمبر .تم الاتفاق على موعد التسليم في التاريخ  المشار إليه في أول الرسالة أريد فقط التذكير.

شكرا لتعاونكم

Today Homework
Monday Nov 12th, 2012

Math: WB pages 41 and 42 Due tomorrow

French: BLM 11 due Monday Nov 19th

Islamic Studies: Read pages A56, A57 and A60

Thursday 8 November 2012

Today Homework

Nov 8th, 2012

Math: Ch5 test on Monday 5th period, review WB page 55 and 56

Social Studies: Quiz on Chapter 2 Thursday

LA: write: "letter to Marget" due to Monday

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Today Homework

Nov 7th, 2012

Math: WB page 55 and 56 due tomorrow Nov 8th

Quran: Surat AL-Hashr Aya 15 and 17 dur Monday Nov 12th

A message from Quran teacher (Tr. Samia)


.This week we had a test on half of Surat Al.Hasher (Aya 1-11). This test was on Tajweed rules ,reading rules and memorization of the whole surah ,I sent a Quran rubric of this test with your child so please sign it and send it back. We will continue  reciting and memorizing Surat Al.Hasher Insha Allah. To practice the surah with your child please  use this website and go to Sheik Ibrahim Alakhadar:  


 Congratulation to the best memorizers  and reciters of the month of October: 

Natalie, Zubair, Yasmeen Ab., Yousef A.
Jazakum Allahu Khairan for your cooperation.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 6th, 2012
Arabic Non Speakers Tr.Hoda: Page 16
Arabic Speakers Tr.Amal: 2nd worksheet "المفعول لاجله "
Science:  Prepare for Unit A test, review WB pages 16 to 20, 32 to 36, 42 to 45.
Unit A test is Tuesday Nov 13th

Monday 5 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 5th, 2012

Math: WB page 54 due tomorrow

I.S: Quiz 1, Ch5 Unit C.

Arabic Non Speakers: Memorize page 19

Message for Arabic Speakers' Parents

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تحية طيبة وبعد

انتهيت من تصويب اختبار القراءة الذي كان في درس ( عطاء ). وسوف أرسله إلى المنزل للاطلاع عليه وتوقيعه، كما أهيب بأولياء الأمور الكرام الذين حصل أبناؤهم على درجات ضعيفة،

أن يأخذوا من وقتهم بعض دقائق لقراءة الدرس معهم، وملاحظتهم أثناء أداء الواجب، والتركيز على الدرس المقرر للامتحان.

ملاحظة :- سيكون هناك اختبار قواعد في الجملة الفعلية (الفعل -الفاعل - المفعول به - المفعول المطلق والمفعول لأجله) يوم 8 -11 2012


  شكرا لكم حسن استماعكم وتعاونكم.


                                                                                                                                                                         أمل الجلاد              

Thursday 1 November 2012

Today Homework
Nov 1st, 2012
Math: Prepare for tomorrow Quiz , review WB pages 50, 51, 53
French: Read book page 13, workbook page 14, BLM 14 due Monday

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Today Homework
Oct 31st, 2012
Math: WB page  53 due tomorrow
Math Quiz 3 is Friday Nov 2nd, review WB pages 50. 51, 53,
LA: All summer in a day Quiz is Wednesday Nov 7th
LA: Paragraph worksheets and comm. skills page 13, 29, 53 due tomorrow

Islamic Studies: Read TB pages C40 to C44 and answer WB pages 81, 83, 85 Question 2 and 87 Due to Monday Nov 5th.

Today Homework
Oct 30th, 2012

Science: WB pages 109 and 113

Science Quiz 3 is Monday Nov 5th based on Chapter 3, review WB lessons 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and TB Page 80 Questions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Islamic Studies: Quiz 1 based on Unit C chapter 5 is Tuesday Nov 6th, review WB pages 81, 83, 85,87

Thursday 25 October 2012

I wish all of you Happy EiD. May allah Accept Our good deeds.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chapter 2 Make up Test Results

Class Avergae is 88%

Highest Mark: is 20/20

1st Place: Yusuf S., Zakaria, Mohamed H.,  Yasmeen A.

2nd Place: Mohamed S.

3rd Place: Ilham, Idil

Good Job kids, Keep it up
Monday Oct. 22nd Homework

Science: TB page 80, Questions 1 to 7, due Friday Nov 2nd

Math: WB pages 46,47 questions ( 2a,c - 4b,c - 5c - 7a), due Wednesday Oct 24th

Social Studies: Research paper + library package

Chapter 1 Make up Test is Thursday Oct 25h during the 5th period.

Test preperation

TB page 41 solve the odd questions, review WB pages 13 and 14

Sunday 21 October 2012

Grade 8
Wish List

(Please donate to our class)

  •           MimioTeach Interactive Whiteboard System

  • ·    Projector
  • ·       Calculators
  • ·       Television, DVD Player, CD player
  • ·       A big First Aid Kit
  • ·       Crafts materials ( Glue gun, paints, Paint brushes beads, construction papers, cutters…….etc)
  • ·      Educational DVDs
  • ·       Islamic DVDs
  • ·       Geometric sets

Thank you very much for your cooperation
Jazakillahi khairan.