Monday 8 April 2013

Today Homework, April 8th, 2013

The result of Islamic Studies Quiz, Ch9 Math Test, Ch12 Science Quiz are handed back today. Please Sign and Return by Wednesday.


- TB page 100, use data in table " Average number of hours of television viewing per week" to construct bar graph of "province vs. All ages number of hours". You can use MS Excel or paper and pencil. Due tomorrow

- Worksheet E48 due tomorrow

- Now each student has a folder for out-source worksheet that I will assign in the coming weeks. Each student has to bring this folder to each Math class in addition to Math TB, WB.


Tr.Hoda: memorize two hadiths

Islamic Studies:

- Power point project topic choice done today and it's due Tuesday April 16th

- Watch the video on Gr8/Islmic Studies blog tonight